Projects - Closed |
2006-01 System Personnel Training
2006-02 Assess Transmission Future Needs and Develop Transmission Plans
2006-03 System Restoration and Blackstart - EOP-001, EOP-005, EOP-006
2006-04 Back-up Facilities - EOP-008
2006-06 Reliability Coordination - COP-001, COM-002, IRO-001
2006-07 ATC/TTC/AFC and CBM/TRM Revisions
2006- 08 Reliability Coordination - Transsmission Loading Relief
2007-01 Underfrequency Load Shedding - EOP-003, PRC-006
2007-02 Operating Personnel Communication Protocols - COM-002
2007-03 Real-time Transmission Operations - TOP-001, TOP-002, TOP-003, TOP-004, TOP-005, TOP-006, TOP-007, TOP-008, PER-001
2007-04 Certifying System Operators
2007-05 Balancing Authority Controls
2007-06 System Protection Coordination - PRC-027, Retirement of PRC-001
2007-06.2 Phase 2 of System Protection Coordination - PER-006-1, Retirement of PRC-001
2007-07 Vegetation Management
2007-09 Generator Verification - MOD-025, MOD-026, MOD-027, PRC-024
2007-11 Disturbance Monitoring - PRC-002
2007-12 Frequency Response - BAL-003
2007-14 Coordinate Interchange - Timing Table
2007-17 Protection System Maintenance and Testing - PRC-005
2007-17.2 Protection System Maintenance and Testing - Phase 2 (Reclosing Relays) - PRC-005
2007-17.3 (PRC-005-X) Protection System Maintenance and Testing Phase 3 (Sudden Pressure Relays) - PRC-005
2007-17.4 PRC-005 FERC Order No. 803 Directive - PRC-005 (Maintenance of supervisory devices associated with automatic reclosing)
2007-18 Reliability-based Control - Various BAL standards - EOP-002, IRO-005
2008-01 Voltage and Reactive Control
2008-02 Undervoltage Load Shedding (UVLS) & Underfrequency Load Shedding (UFLS) - PRC-006, PRC-010
2008-02.2 Phase 2 of Undervoltage Load Shedding (UVLS) - PRC-004, PRC-010
2008-04 Facility Ratings
2008-06 Cyber Security Order 706
2008-06 Cyber Security Order 706 Version 5 CIP Standards (Phase III) - CIP-002, CIP-003, CIP-004, CIP-005, CIP-006, CIP-007, CIP-008, CIP-009, CIP-010, CIP-011
2008-10 Interpretation - CIP-006 - Cyber Security - Physical Security of Cyber Security Assets
2008-11 Interpretation - VAR-002-1 - Voltage and Reactive - Generator Operations for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules
2008-12 Coordinate Interchange Standards - INT-004, INT-006, INT-009, INT-010, INT-011
2008-18 Interpretation - TOP-005-1 - Manitoba Hydro
2009-01 Disturbance Sabatoge Reporting - EOP-004
2009-02 Real-time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities - IRO-018-1, TOP-010-1
2009-03 Emergency Operations - EOP-011
2009-05 Resource Adequacy Assessments
2009-06 Facility Ratings - FAC-008
2009-07 Reliability of Protection Systems
2009-08 Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination - NUC-001
2009-09 Interpretation of CIP-001-1 - Cyber Security - Sabatoge Reporting for Covanta Energy
2009-10 Interpretation - PRC-005-1, R1 - CMPWG - PRC-005
2009-11 Interpretation IRO-010-1 WECC RCS
2009-12 Interpretation - CIP-005-1 - Cyber Security - Electronic Security Perimeters by PacifiCorp
2009-14 Interpretation - TPL-002-2 - PacifiCorp
2009-15 Interpretation - MOD-001-1 - Available Transmission System Capability and MOD-029-1 - Rated System Path Methodology by NYISO
2009-17 Interpretation of PRC-004-1 and PRC-005-1 for Y-W Electric and Tri-State - PRC-004
2009-18 Withdraw 3 Midwest ISO Waivers
2009-19 Interpretation of BAL-002-0 R4 and R5 by NWPP Reserve Sharing Group
2009-20 Interpretation of BAL-003-0.1b for Energy Mark, Inc.
2009-21 Cyber Security Ninety-day Response - CIP-003, CIP-007
2009-22 Interpretation of COM-002-2 — Communications and Coordination R2 for the ISO/RTO Council
2009-26 Interpretation of CIP-004-1
2009-27 Interpretation of TOP-002-2a R10
2009-28 Interpretation of EOP-001-1 and EOP-001-2 R2.2
2009-31 Interpretation of TOP-001-1 R8
2010-01 Training - PER-005
2010-02 Connecting New Facilities to the Grid - FAC-001, FAC-002
2010-03 Modeling Data (MOD B) - MOD-032, MOD-033
2010-04 Demand Data (MOD C) - MOD-031
2010-04.1 MOD-031 FERC Order No. 804 Directives - MOD-031 (Clarification of demand reporting obligations)
2010-05.1 Protection System (Misoperations) - PRC-004
2010-05.2 Phase 2 of Protection Systems - EOP-004, FAC-010, FAC-011, MOD-029, MOD-030, PRC-001, PRC-005, PRC-012, PRC-013, PRC-014, PRC-015, PRC-016, PRC-017, PRC-023, TPL-001, TPL-002, TPL-003, TPL-004
2010-05.3 Phase 3 of Protection Systems: Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) - PRC-012, PRC-013, PrC-014, PRC-015, PRC-016
2010-07 Generator Requirements at the Transmission Interface - FAC-001, FAC-003 |
2010-07.1 Vegetation Management - FAC-003 |
2010-08 Functional
Model Glossary Revisions |
Cyber Security Order 706B Nuclear Plant Implementation Plan - CIP-003, CIP-007 |
2020-10 FAC Order 729 - FAC-013
TPL Table 1 Order - TPL-001 |
2010-12 Order 693 Directives - PRC-004
2010-13 Relay Loadability: Transmission - PRC-023-2
2010-13.1 Phase 1 of Relay Loadability: Transmission - Reference Document: Determination and Application of Practical Relaying Loadability Ratings
2010-13.1 Phase 1 of Relay Loadbility: Transmission - PRC-023
2010-13.2 Phase 2 Relay Loadability: Generation - PRC-023-3, PRC-025
2010-13.2 Phase 2 Relay Loadability: Generation - PRC-023-3, PRC-025
2010-13.3 Phase 3 of Relay Loadability: Stable Power Swings - PRC-026
2010-14.1 Phase 1 of Balancing Authority-based Controls: Reserves - BAL-001
2010-14.2 Periodic Review of BAL Standards - BAL-005, BAL-006
2010-14.2.1 Phase 2 of Balancing Authority-based Controls - BAL-005, BAL-006, FAC-001 |
2010-14.2.2 Phase 2 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls - BAL-004
2010-16 Definition of System Operator
2010-17 Proposed Definition of Bulk Electric System
2011-INT-01 Interpretation - Revision of MOD-028-1 for FPL
2011-INT-02 Interpretation - Rapid Revision of VAR-002 for Constellation
2012-05 ATC Revisions (MOD A) - MOD-001
2012-09 IRO 5-year Review
2012-13 Nuclear Power Interface Coordination - NUC-001
2012-INT-02 Interpretation - TPL-003-0a and TPL-004-0 for SCPS
2013-01 Cold Weather
2013-02 Paragraph 81
2013-03 Geomagnetic Disturbance Mitigation - EOP-010, TPL-007
2013-04 Votage and Reactive Control - VAR-001, VAR-002
2014-01 Standards Applicability for Dispersed Generation Resources
2014-02 Critical Intrastructure Protection Standards Version 5 Revisions - CIP-003, CIP-004
2014-03 Revisions to TOP and IRO Standards
2014-04 Physical Security - CIP-014
2015-02 Periodic Review of Emergency Operations - EOP-004, EOP-005, EOP-006, EOP-008
2015-03 Periodic Review of System Operating Limit Standards - FAC-010, FAC-011, FAC-014
2015-04 Alignment of Terms
2015-06 Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination - IRO-006-EAST, IRO-009
2015-07 Internal Communications Capabilities - COM-001
2015-08 Emergency Operations - EOP-004, EOP-005, EOP-006, EOP-008
2015-09 Establish and Communicate System Operating Limits - FAC-010, FAC-011, FAC-014
2015-10 Single Points of Failure - TPL-001
2015-INT-01 Interpretation of CIP-002-5.1 for Energy Sector Security (EnergySec)
2015-INT-02 Interpretation of CIP-007-5 for Foxguard Solutions
Interpretation of TOP-002-2.1b for FMPP |
2016-EPR-01 Enhanced
Periodic Review of Personnel Performance, Training, and Qualifications
Standards - PER-001, PER-003, PER-004 |
2016-EPR-02 Enhanced Periodic Review of Voltage and Reactive Standards - VAR-001, VAR-002 |
2016-01 Modifications to TOP and IRO Standards
2016-02 Modifications to CIP Standards - CIP-002, CIP-003, CIP-004, CIP-005, CIP-006, CIP-007, CIP-008, CIP-009, CIP-010, CIP-011, CIP-012, CIP-013
Cyber Security Supply Chain Risk Management
- CIP-005-6, CIP-010-3, CIP-013-1 |
2016-04 Modifications to PRC-025-1 |
2017-02 Modifications to to Personnel Performance, Training, and Qualifications Standards - PER-003, PER-004 |
2017-03 FAC-008-3 Periodic Review |
2017-04 Periodic Review of Interchange Scheduling and Coordination Standards - INT-004, INT-006, INT-009, INT-010 |
2017-05 NUC-001-3 Periodic Review |
2017-06 Modifications to BAL-002-2 |
2017-07 Standards Alignment with Registration |
2018-01 Canadian-specific Revisions to TPL-007-2 |
2018-02 Modifications to CIP-008 Cyber Security Incident Reporting |
2018-03 FAC-008-3 Standards Efficiency Review Retirements
2018-04 Modifications to PRC-024-2 |
2019-01 Modifications to
TPL-007-3 |
2019-02 BES Cyber System Information Access Management - CIP-004-7 and CIP-011-3
2019-03 Cyber Security Supply Chain Risks - CIP-005-7, CIP-010-4, CIP-013-2
2019-05 Modifications to PER-003-2
2019-06 Cold Weather - EOP-011-2, IRO-010-4, TOP-003-5
2020-01 Modifications to MOD-032-1 |
2020-02 Modifications to PRC-024 (Generator Ride-through)
2020-03 Supply Chain Low Impact Revisions - CIP-003-9
2020-04 Modifications to CIP-012 - CIP-012-2
2020-05 Modifications to FAC-001 and FAC-002
2021-04 Modifications to PRC-002-2
2021-05 Modifications to PRC-023 |
2021-06 Modifications to IRO-010 and TOP-003 | IRO-010-5 and TOP-003-6
2021-07 Extreme Cold Weather Grid Operations, Preparedness, and Coordination
2022-01 Reporting ACE
Definition and Associated Terms
2023-02 Analysis and Mitigation of BES Inverter-Based Resource Performance Issues
2023-03 Internal Network Security Monitoring (INSM)
2023-07 Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Weather
2016 Enhanced Periodic Review Standing Review Team - Standards Grading
2017 Periodic Review Standing Review Team - Standards Grading |
2018 Periodic Review Standing Review Team - Standards Grading |
2020 Periodic Review Standing Review Team - Standards Grading
2021 Periodic Review Standing Review Team - Standards Grading
2022 Periodic Review Standing Review Team -
Standards Grading
2018 Bulk Electric System Definition Reference |
CIP Standards Efficiency Review
Cost Effectiveness Pilot - TPL-001 |
Cost Effective Analysis Process (CEAP) for NERC ERO Standards |
Order 754 |
Operate Within Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits
Revisions to the NERC Standards Processes Manual |
Standards Efficiency Review
Standards Processes Manual Revisions to Implement SPIG Recommendations 2013
Technical Rationale for Reliability Standards