US Reliability Standards
​​​​​​​​​​​​Section 215 of the Federal Power Act requires the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) to develop mandatory and enforceable Reliability Standards, which are subject to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) review and approval. FERC-approved Reliability Standards become mandatory and enforceable in the United States according to the implementation plan associated with the Reliability Standard, as approved by FERC.

The following information explains the terms “Effective Dates” and “Phased-in Implementation Dates” used in implementation plans and reports.

Effective Date of the Standard:
The date upon which the Reliability Standard goes into effect. On the Effective Date of a Reliability Standard, the Reliability Standard becomes mandatory and enforceable, and applicable entities are responsible for compliance with the Requirements in the Reliability Standard. An Implementation Plan may also provide for a delayed or “Phased-In Implementation Date” for specific Requirements (or parts) contained within the Reliability Standard for which a longer implementation period is appropriate.

Phased-In Implementation Date (if applicable)​: The date, following the Effective Date of the Reliability Standard, upon which implementation of a specific Requirement (or part) is first required, as specified in the Implementation Plan for the Reliability Standard. In some instances, there may be a need to provide entities additional time beyond the Reliability Standard’s Effective Date to comply with a particular Requirement​​ (or part). In those instances, the Implementation Plan will provide a Phased-In Implementation Date specific to that Requirement (or part). The “Phased-In Implementation Date” thus represents the later date that entities must begin complying with that particular Requirement (or part).​ 

One-Sto​p-Shop: A one-stop shop with links to standards, implementation plans, project pages, Reliability Standards Audit Worksheets, FERC Orders, and compliance guidance.​


United States Mandatory Standards Subject to Enforcement: Standards that are currently enforceable in the United States. 


United States Standards Subject to Future Enforcement: Standards that are approved by FERC, but not yet enforceable in the United States.


United States Standards Filed and P​​ending Regulatory Approval: Standards adopted by the NERC Board of Trustees (Board) and filed with FERC for approval, but not yet approved by FERC.


United States Standards Pending ​Regulatory Filing​: Standards adopted by the Board, but not yet filed with FERC.


United States ​​Inactive Standards​:  Standards that have been sup​erseded by another and are no longer enforceable.


United States ​​​​Standards Pending Inactive​: Standards that have been superseded by other standards and will never be enforceable. The status will change to inactive at midnight on the day immediately prior to the effective date of the superseding standard. 


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