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Board Adopted: October 8, 2024
Filed with FERC: November 4, 2024
FERC Approved: February 20, 2025
BackgroundMultiple NERC disturbance reports,1 including the Odessa disturbance report,2 have identified the undesired performance of bulk power system (BPS)-connected inverter-based resources (IBRs) during grid faults, and have elaborated on the systemic and significant BPS reliability risks that this undesired performance can pose. IBRs may trip for many different reasons, may cease current injection due to inverter controls, or may have unwanted plant-level controller interactions. These types of issues have been extensively documented in the NERC reports. The resulting unexpected and unwarranted loss of generation poses a significant risk to BPS reliability.
Standard Affected: PRC-004-6
Purpose/Industry Need
This project addresses the reliability‐related need and benefit by requiring analysis and mitigation of unexpected or unwarranted protection and control operations from inverter-based resources following the identification of such a performance issue. This includes any types of protections or controls that result in abnormal performance issues within the plant, including abnormal performance resulting in anomalous behavior of active power output from the facility during events. Considerations may be needed for legacy facilities, but the root cause analysis of the abnormal performance and determination of any mitigating measures should be conducted. The SAR should be applicable to all Bulk Electric System (BES) inverter-based generating resources, including battery energy storage resources.
These changes will prompt analysis of IBR loss events following grid disturbances to ensure that facilities are operating in a reliable manner and providing essential reliability services. Mitigating actions will reduce unnecessary IBR tripping or controls issues that result in widespread reduction of power output from these facilities, and will also reduce the possibility of systemic performance issues in the future.
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Mitigation of BES Inverter-Based Resource Performance Issues" in the Description Box.