Performance Analysis

​NERC's Performance Analysis team identifies the data required from industry, develops the applicable Section 1600 data requests in accordance with NERC's Rule of Procedure, manages the applications to collect the required data from NERC-registered entities, and conducts analysis to evaluate the performance of the Bulk Electric System. Data collection application user groups, administered by the Performance Analysis team, provide opportunities for coordination with industry.

The Performance Analysis team consults with the Performance Analysis Subcommittee (PAS), which provides industry perspective on relevant metrics used to measure performance of the Bulk Electric System. Additionally, the PAS contributes to the development of NERC's annual State of Reliability Report, which provides objective and concise information for policymakers and industry leaders on issues that affect the reliability and resilience of the North American BPS while providing strong technical support for those interested in the underlying data and detailed analytics. 

See the Section 1600 Data Requests page for details on current data requests. Data collection application pages are shown on the left navigation pane. Links to application user groups are available on the application page.​ 

expand Header : State of Reliability Report ‎(17)
expand Header : Risk Assessment of Reliability Performance Report ‎(3)
expand Header : GADS Analysis ‎(1)