Project 2017-02 Modifications to Personnel Performance, Training, and Qualifications Standards

Final ballots for the following concluded 8 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, April 12, 2018.

·         PER-003-2 Operating Personnel Credentials
·         PER-003-1 Operating Personnel Credentials – Retirement
·         PER-004-2 Reliability Coordination-Staffing – Retirement

The voting results can be accessed via the links below. The standard and implementation plan will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for adoption and then filed with the appropriate regulatory authorities.

The Project 2016-EPR-01 PER Team recommends that a clarifying footnote be added to PER-003-1 to ensure that stakeholders (now and in the future) understand (i) the connection between the Standard and the Program Manual; and (ii) that the certifications referenced under PER-003-1 are those under the NERC System Operator Certification Program.

The Project 2016-EPR-01 PER Team recommends that PER-004-2 be retired.

Standard(s) Affected PER-003-1 and PER-004-2

Purpose/Industry Need
A clarifying footnote needs to be added to PER-003-1 Requirement R1, R2 and R3 to ensure that stakeholders (now and in the future) understand (i) the connection between the Standard and the Program Manual; and (ii) that the certifications referenced under PER-003-1 are those under the NERC System Operator Certification Program.

The PER-004-2 standard falls within Paragraph 81 Criterion B7 and should be retired.  All of its requirements are redundant with requirements in other FERC-approved reliability standards that are in effect or soon to be effective.  It is not necessary or efficient to maintain such duplicative requirements.  Specifically, PER-004-2’s requirements are duplicated in standards:  
·         PER-003-1, R1
·         PER-005-2, R2 and R3
·         IRO-002-4, R3 and R4
·         EOP-004-2, R2
·         IRO-008-2, R1, R2, and R4
·         IRO-009-2, R1 – R4
·         IRO-010-2, R1 – R3
·         IRO-014-3, generally
·         IRO-018-1, R1-R3 
DraftActionsDatesResultsConsideration of Comments

Final Ballots

Clean | Redline to Last Approved

Implementation Plan

Final Ballots



04/03/18 - 04/12/18

Ballot Results


Implementation Plan
Initial Ballots

02/26/18 - 03/07/18
Ballot Results


Consideration of Comments

Comment Period

01/22/18 - 03/07/18
01/22/18 - 02/20/18


Comment Period


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06/21/17 - 07/24/17

Comments Received

Consideration of Comments
Periodic Review Templates 
Supporting Materials

Comment Period


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​01/10/17 - 02/23/17

Comments Received

Consideration of Comments