ERO Enterprise Program Alignment Process
​​​The ERO Enterprise Program Alignment Process is intended to enhance efforts to identify, prioritize, and resolve alignment issues across the ERO Enterprise. This is a repeatable, transparent process that registered entities (or other relevant industry stakeholders) may use to report any perceived inconsistency in the approach, methods, or practices implemented and executed by the Regional Entities.
Using this process, NERC will capture identified issues from the various resources in a centralized repository. NERC will classify the issue through an initial screening process to ensure the appropriateness for this process, then work with Regional Entities and stakeholders (Compliance and Certification Committee) to analyze the issues and determine the scope and material impact. The ERO Enterprise will develop recommendations and determine the priority of the activities taking into consideration all ERO Enterprise efforts. Finally, NERC will post the issue along with the recommendations/results in the Program Alignment – Issues and Recommendations Tracking document and provide status updates on its activities.
The ERO Enterprise Program Alignment Process relies on input from NERC’s oversight and monitoring, regional observations, and registered entity reporting. The program aims to strengthen the ERO Enterprise’s collaborative and transparent approach to resolving consistency issues.

Submitting an Issue using the Consistency Reporting Tool
NERC implemented the Consistency Reporting Tool using a third-party application, EthicsPoint, which allows stakeholders to submit consistency issues—anonymously, if desired. While issues may be submitted anonymously, the submitter may also choose to provide their name and contact information, which may help expedite the process in understanding the scope and material impact of the reported issue. If the submitter choses to remain anonymous, they should check their request six-to-seven business days after submittal via the Consistency Reporting Tool for additional information requested by NERC. If the submitter provides their name and contact details, NERC will contact them directly.

Note: NERC encourages stakeholders and registered entities to first work to resolve any issues with the Regional Entity involved. If the registered entity is unable to resolve the issue with their Regional Entity, then they may consider submitting the issue using the Consistency Reporting Tool.

Contact Us
For more information about Program Alignment or questions concerning a recommendation|resolution to an issue, please email​.​


Program Alignment Resources

Regional Program Information Resources
