The CIP Standards Efficiency Review (SER) team has completed the first phase of analysis to identify potential CIP Reliability Standard Requirements with potential for efficiency gains through retirement or modification. This first phase included identifying and analyzing requirements for retirement. Several requirements were proposed, and after preliminary analysis and reviews it was determined a more conducive course of action would be to consider them in the modification effort.The CIP SER team conducted the analysis by forming three sub-teams (team roster available here) to comprehensively evaluate the feedback from industry. The teams have identified potential candidates for modification; and are now engaged in further evaluation in parallel with development of modification rationale to address the justification for meeting the security and reliability objectives of the Requirements. Upon completion of draft rationale, anticipated 1st quarter of 2021, the sub-teams plan to present their findings with a recommendation for next steps to appropriate stakeholders.
Project ScopeUsing a risk-based approach, evaluate NERC CIP Reliability Standards in order to identify potential efficiencies through retirement or modification of Reliability Standard Requirements.
Project Timeline
Team Nominations
Nomination Form (Word)
Nomination PeriodInfo
Submit the completed nomination form to
07/03/19 - 08/16/19
CIP SER Matrix
InfoSubmit the completed spreadsheet to
07/03/19 - 08/26/19
Completed Matrices
AEP 8-26-19
Ameren 8-26-19
AZPS 8-26-19
Bonneville Power Administration 8-26-19
Bureau of Reclamation 8-21-19
California ISO 8-27-19
CenterPoint Energy 8-26-19
Chelan County PUD 8-20-19
DTE Energy 8-26-19
Duke 8-26-19
EEI 8-26-19
GTC-GSOC 8-22-19
Hydro Quebec 8-26-19
Independent Electricity System Operator8-22-19
LA Dept of Water and Power 8-26-19
Lower Colorado River Authority - Segment 1 8-26-19
Lower Colorado River Authority - Segment 5 8-26-19
Manitoba Hydro8-26-19
Minnesota Power8-26-19
MISO 8-26-19
MRO NSRF 8-21-19
Nebraska Public Power District 8-26-19
NPCC 8-26-19
Seattle City Light8-22-19
Southern 8-26-19
SPIEGEL 8-26-19
Texas RE 8-26-19
WAPA 8-26-19