Reliability Standards Under Development
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Reliability Standards Under Development page provides access to all projects including: Reliability Standards, Standard Authorization Requests, Periodic Reviews, and Interpreta​tions.

Once Reliability Standard(s) are adopted by the NERC Board of Trustees and filed with FERC, the associated project is moved to the Archived Reliability Standards Under Development page and the Reliability Standard(s) are updated throughout the website including US Reliability Standards, the Complete Set of Reliability Standards and Align allowing for updates to the US Effective Date Status Functional Applicability site.

NERC Standards Projects have been increasing in quantity; coinciding with the increasing pace of technology changes in our industry and the issuance of FERC directives. The criteria for high, medium and low priority projects are included in the slide deck below​.

FERC Order No. 901, Inverter-based Resource (IBR), and Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
FERC Order 901 was issued under Docket No. RM22-12-000 on October 19, 2023 and includes many directives instructing NERC to modify or create new Reliability Standards that will address a variety of IBR-related issues. Multiple NERC Standards Projects will be developed through 2026 that are associated with these directives. Detailed information and updates will be maintained on this page and within each associated Standards Project.

Standards Development Mapping of FERC Order 901 Directives and Other Guidance to​ Standards Development Projects​ ​*Updated March 2025

Milestone 3

FERC Order No. 901 - Summary Information  of Milestone 3​

FERC Order No. 901 - Summary Graphic of Milestone 3

​​Industry Enga​gement Workshop for Reliable IBR Integration and Milestone 3 of FERC Order 901 (January 15 -16, 2025)

*Denotes IBR/DER-related projects in the table below​
​**Denotes IBR/DER-related projects to address FERC Order No. 901 in the table below 


Reliability Standards Under Development
High Priority 
2020-06 Verificati​ons of Models and Data for Generators**​ 
2021-01 System Model Validation with IBRs​​**
​2022-02 Uniform Modeling Framework for IBR**
​2023-06 CIP-014 Risk Assessment Refinement​​​
2024-01 Rules of Procedure Definitions Alignment (Generator Owner and Generator Operator)​ 
2024-02 Planning Energy Assurance​
​​2024-03 Revisions to EOP-012-2​
​​​​Medium Priority 

​​2021​-03 CIP-002​

202​​​2-04 EMT Modeling​*
2023-01 EOP-004 IBR Event Reporting​*
2023-09 Risk Management for Third-par​ty Cloud Services​
​​​​​​​​Low Priority
​2017-01 Modifications to BAL-003 Phase II​
2019-04 Modifications to PRC-005-6
2021-02 Modifications to VAR-002​-4.1​*
​2021-08 Modifications to FAC-008​
​2022-05 Modifications to CIP-008 Reporting Threshold​
​2023-05 Modifications to FAC-001 and FAC-002​ *​
​2023-07 Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Weather​
​2023-08 Mod​ifications of MOD-031 Demand and Energy Data​*
​​​​Standard Processes Manual​
2023 Standard Processes Manual Revisions to Address SPSEG Recommendations​​​
None at this time
Projects in Informal Development
None at this time​
Projects Under Consideration for Development
None at this time​
​Periodic Review Projects
No​ne at this time​
Pro​jects Under Research
 ​None at this time​

​​​​​​​​​​​Standards Under Field Test
​​​None at this time​

Continent-wide and Regional Standards Waiting for Board Adoption
 None at this time