In support of NERC’s mission, the System Operator Certification Program’s promotes reliability of the North American bulk power system (BPS) by ensuring that employers have a workforce of system operators that meet minimum qualifications.
NERC monitors system operators to ensure they maintain their required credentials to work in system control centers across North America. NERC’s system operator certification exam tests specific knowledge of job skills and Reliability Standards. It also prepares operators to handle the BPS during normal and emergency operations. Certification is maintained by completing NERC‐approved Credential Maintenance Program courses and activities. These industry-accepted qualifications are set through internationally recognized processes and procedures for agencies that certify persons.
Personnel Certification Governance Committee (PCGC)
is a NERC standing committee that provides oversight to the policies and processes used to implement and maintain the integrity and independence of the NERC System Operator Certification Program. The PCGC provides reports to the NERC Board of Trustees and NERC President regarding the governance and administration of the System Operator Certification Program.
Exam Working Group (EWG) consists of subject matter experts from all regions of North America and is responsible for doing an extensive job analysis survey of certified operators across the industry which provides the basis for the exams. The job analysis survey results in an exam content outline for each of the four exams. The exam content outline is the framework used to associate tasks to exam questions. NERC contracts with psychometric consultants who assist a working group of certified system operators in the development and maintenance of each exam.
The four exams are the:
Reliability examination;
Balancing, Interchange, and Transmission examination;
Transmission examination; and
Balancing examination.
After initial certification is obtained, the credential is maintained by meeting the continuing education requirements every three years.
Credential Maintenance Program
NERC's Credential Maintenance Program acknowledges high-quality learning activities within the electric utility industry by approving continuing education providers that meet NERC guidelines and standards. Information on how to become a NERC-recognized continuing education provider is contained in the links below.
Provider Site:
Initial and existing continuing education providers can access the
System Operator Certification and Continuing Education Database (SOCCED) to:
- Create a new provider account, or
- Access your existing provider account.
- Submit new individual learning activity (ILA) applications
- Review the status of existing courses
- Submit transcripts of delivered courses.