Project 2021-01 Modifications to MOD-025 and PRC-019

​​​​​​​​​​​​Related Files​

Nominations are being sought for additional drafting team members through 8 p.m. Eastern, Friday, September 13, 2024. 
The Standards Committee is expected to appoint members to the drafting team in October 2024. Nominees will be notified shortly after they have been appointed.

The PPMVTF developed this SAR to revise MOD-025-2 to address issues regarding verification and data reporting of generator active and reactive power capability. As stated in the SAR, implementation of the standard has rarely produced data that is suitable for planning models (i.e., the stated purpose of the standard). The current MOD-025-2 verification testing activities require significant time, expertise, and coordination; however, they do not result in data that should be used by planners for modeling purposes. The SAR aims to retain testing activities are useful and focus on more effective means of collecting useful data for planning models. The Reliability, Security, and Technology Committee (RSTC) endorsed the SAR on October 19, 2020.

PRC-019-2 addresses the reliability issue of miscoordination between generator capability, control systems, and protection functions. However, PRC-019-2 was developed with a bias toward synchronous generation and does not sufficiently outline the requirements for all generation resource types. The proposed Standard Authorization Request (SAR) aims to address a number of issues identified by the SPCS and revise the standard to be inclusive of all types of generation resources. The SAR was endorsed by the NERC Planning Committee (PC) on March 4, 2020.

The MOD-025-2 and PRC-019-2 SARs were accepted and authorized for informal posting at the January 20, 2021 SC meeting.

The appointed SAR DT will also determine how to addresses the applicable scope of Project 2020-02 Transmission-connected Dynamic Reactive Resources, which also seeks to modify MOD-025-2 and PRC-019-2. See Project 2020-02 Transmission-connected Dynamic Reactive Resources for additional background.

Standard(s) Affected
MOD-025-2 Verification and Data Reporting of Generator Real and Reactive | PRC-019-2 Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage

Purpose/Industry Need
The proposed revisions to PRC-019-2 and MOD-025-2 are described in the respective SARs.

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DraftActionsDatesResultsConsideration of Comments
Supplemental Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations​​

08/15/2024 - 09/13/24​
​​Standard Authorization Request

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)
​Comment Period


Submit Comments​

05/23/24 - 06/28/24

Draft 2
Clean | Redline to Last Posted | Redline to Last Approved

Clean | Redline to Last Posted | Redline to Last Approved

MOD-025-3 Implementation Plan
Clean | Redline

PRC-019-3 Implementation Plan
Clean​ | Redline

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

Technical Rationales

VRF/VSL Justifications

Implementation Guidance for PRC-019-2​

Additional Ballots and Non-binding Polls

Ballot Open Reminder​



05/30/23 - 06/08/23

​Comment Period


Submit Comments​

04/25/23 - 06/08/23​

​Draft 1

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Implementation Plans

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

Technical Rationales

VRF/VSL Justifications

​Initial Ballots and Non-binding Polls

Updated Info​



11/04/22 - 11/17/22

Ballot Results

MOD-025-3​ Implementation Plan

Non-binding Poll Results

​​Join Ballot Pools
09/29/22 - 10/28/22​

​Comment Period


Submit Comments​

09/29/22 - 11/17/22​ (extended)

MOD-025-2 SAR
Clean | Redline

PRC-019-2 SAR
Clean | Redline​

The Standards Committee accepted the SARs on December 15, 2021

Supplemental Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations​
04/30/21 - 05/20/21​
Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations
03/04/21 - 04/2/21​

MOD-025-2 SAR

PRC-019-2 SAR

Project 2020-02 SAR

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word) 

Comment Period


Submit Comments

03/04/21 - 04/2/21​

Comments Received​

Consideration of Comments​