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The project documents are undergoing Quality Review (QR). The drafting team is meeting on March 28 and 31, 2025 to review QR comments and finalize the documents for posting in April 2025.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order No. 901 on October 19, 2023, which includes directives on new or modified NERC Reliability Standard projects. Order No. 901 addresses a wide spectrum of reliability risks to the grid from the application of inverter-based resources (IBR), including both utility scale and behind-the-meter or distributed energy resources. Within the Order, are four milestones that include sets of directives to NERC. NERC developed a
directive mapping document as part of its
workplan to address all aspects of Order No. 901. The
Milestone 3 projects will address deficiencies within the current state of model quality.
Project 2021-01 will address system-level model verification and validation against actual behavior during disturbances, as well as aligning steady state and dynamic representation, where appropriate. Additional focus will be to develop criteria for performing validation, determine minimum study conditions for conducting validation studies, and develop a process to communicate system interconnection-wide model defects to Transmission Planners and other associated entities.
To facilitate the development of this Milestone, Standard Authorization Requests were assigned to active projects that already had some aspects of Order No. 901-directed modeling improvements and drafting team familiarity with the Reliability Standards to be changed. Project 2021-01 Modifications to MOD-025 and PRC-019 will resume upon completion of this Milestone 3 project.
All Milestone 3 projects must be filed with FERC by November 4, 2025, with full implementation by January 1, 2030, to comply with Order No. 901.
Standard(s) Affected – MOD-033-2 Steady-State and Dynamic System Model Validation
Purpose/Industry Need
The proposed revisions to MOD-033-2 are described in the SAR.
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2021-01 System Model Validation with IBRs" in the Description Box.