Event Reports

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A main objective of the ERO Event Analysi​s Program is to share knowledge with industry and other stakeholders identified from incidents, events, and occurrences of interest on the grid. The products shared here support the objective and the mission of the ERO Enterprise to assure the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid.​

NERC_info_cold_weather_prep_bps_impacts_20231130.pdfNERC Information Resources on Cold Weather Preparation and BPS Impacts11/30/2023
Analysis_and_Risk_Mitigations_2018-2020.pdfAnalysis and Risk Mitigations for Loss of EMS Functions 2018-202012/10/2021
EMS_Special_Assessment_March2021.pdfEMS Special Assessment4/12/2021