Event Analysis
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Promoting Reliability
The principal goal of the ERO is to promote the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. This goal is directly supported by evaluating bulk power system  events, undertaking appropriate levels of analysis to determine the causes of the events, promptly assuring tracking of corrective actions to prevent recurrence, and providing lessons learned to the industry. The event analysis process also provides valuable input for training and education, reliability trend analysis efforts, and Reliability Standards development, all of which support continued reliability improvement.
Developing a Culture of Reliability Excellence
Through the event analysis program, the ERO strives to develop a culture of reliability excellence that promotes and rewards aggressive self-critical review and analysis of operations, planning, and critical infrastructure protection processes. This self-critical focus must be ongoing, and the industry must recognize that registered entities are linked together by their individual and collective performances. This focus is the root of understanding the underlying cause of events and avoiding similar or repeated events through the timely identification and correction of event causes and through the sharing of lessons learned.
Successful event analysis depends on a collaborative approach in which registered entities, Regional Entities, and NERC work together to achieve a common goal. The process requires clarity, certainty, and consistent adherence to reliability principles by bulk power system owners, operators, and users who perform a wide array of reliability functions.
Being a Learning Organization
As a learning organization, event analysis serves an integral function of providing insight and guidance by identifying and disseminating valuable information to owners, operators, and users of the bulk power system who enable improved and more reliable operation. As such, event analysis is one of the pillars of a strong ERO.  

 Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned - 12/30/2024 - One new lessons learned has been published.

Lessons Learned Quick Reference Guide - Brief summaries of the lessons learned posted since 2015. All lessons learned published since 2010 are currently available on the lessons learned page.​

 Reference Material