GADS Conventional data collection includes the reporting of Events. Each Event includes a Cause Code that identifies the cause of the event.
Forced Outage and Derate Events are important to analyze to show how each Cause can affect reliability.
These reports start with aggregated data by cause code, so no direct unit information is included the result. The report is a list of each cause code, and a tally of how many events or units the cause code was used, the associated Megawatt Loss, and/or Megawatt hour loss. Each of these sums can give information on how these events affect reliability. A report file includes one year of cause codes.
There are three tabs in each report file:
- Instructions: Includes descriptions of each field included in the file and how to use the filtering capabilities of the report
- Report: a pivot table with the ability to filter on several criteria
- Data: the aggregated data records