Event Analysis, Reliability Assessment, and Performance Analysis
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​NERC’s Event Analysis, Reliability Assessment, and Performance Analysis group identifies areas of concern regarding assessment and trend efforts and makes recommendations for their remedy. NERC cannot order construction of additional generation or transmission or adopt enforceable standards that have that effect, as that authority is explicitly withheld. In addition, NERC does not make any projections or draw any conclusions regarding expected electricity prices or the efficiency of electricity markets.
NERC’s assessments provide a high-level assessment of resource adequacy, an overview of projected electricity demand growth and generation and transmission additions.  NERC also identifies long-term emerging issues and trends that do not necessarily pose an immediate threat to reliability but will influence future bulk power system planning, development and system analysis.  Trends identified by NERC can also provide the basis for advisories, recommendations and essential action notifications. For more on these, visit the Event Analysis page.

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned - 3/12/2025 - One new lessons learned has been published.

Lessons Learn​​ed Quick Reference Guide - Brief summaries of the lessons learned posted since 2015. All lessons learned published since 2010 are currently available on the lessons learned page.​​