RM18-2-000 and AD17-9-000
| | 12/21/2017 |
| | 12/15/2017 |
| Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standards PRC-027-1 and PER-006-1
FERC issues an notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to approve (i) Reliability Standards PRC-027-1 (Coordination of Protection Systems for Performance During Faults) and PER-006-1 (Specific Training for Personnel); (ii) new and revised definitions of Protection System Coordination Study, Operational Planning Analysis and Real-time Assessment; (iii)the associated VRFs/VSLs and Implementation Plans; and (iv) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard PRC-001-1(ii). | 11/16/2017 |
| Order Accepting the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program
FERC issues an order accepting NERC's 2016 ERO Enterprise Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) Annual Report, and denies NERC's request for approval of two proposed changes to the CMEP: eliminating the public posting of compliance exceptions identified through self-logging, and expanding the use of compliance exceptions to include certain moderate risk non-compliance. | 11/16/2017 |
| | 11/1/2017 |
| | 10/27/2017 |
| Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standard CIP-003-7
FERC issues a notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to approve (i) Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 (Cyber Security - Security Management Controls); (ii) revised definitions of Removable Media and Transient Cyber Asset to be included in the NERC Glossary; (iii) the associated VRFs and VSLs; (iv) the associated Implementation Plan; and (v) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard CIP-003-6 and the NERC Glossary definitions of Low Impact External Connectivity and Low Impact BEC Cyber System Electronic Access Point. | 10/19/2017 |
| | 10/19/2017 |
| | 10/16/2017 |
| | 10/16/2017 |
| Letter Order Approving revisions to VRFs for BAL-002-2
FERC issues a letter order approving revisions to the violation risk factors for Requirements R1 and R2 of Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 (Disturbance Control Standard-Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event). | 10/2/2017 |
| | 10/2/2017 |
| | 9/26/2017 |
| Order No. 836 Approving Reliability Standards BAL-005-1, FAC-001-3 and retirement BAL-006-2 FERC issues a final rule approving (i) revised Reliability Standards BAL-005-1 and FAC-001-3; (ii) the associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels; (iii) the associated implementation plan; (iv) revisions to the definitions of Automatic Generation Control, Pseudo-Tie; and Balancing Authority; and (v) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standards BAL-005-0.2b, BAL-006-2, and FAC-001-2. | 9/20/2017 |
| | 9/20/2017 |
| | 9/20/2017 |
| Letter Order Accepting NERC 2016 Budget True-Up Filing FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's 2016 budget true-up filing showing comparisons between budgeted and actual expenditures, audited financial statements, and administrative cost metrics for itself and the eight Regional Entities for the 2016 fiscal year, in compliance with previous Commission orders. | 9/14/2017 |
| | 8/18/2017 |
| | 5/30/2017 |
| | 4/28/2017 |
| | 4/17/2017 |
| | 3/10/2017 |
| | 3/7/2017 |
| | 3/3/2017 |
| | 1/24/2017 |
| Order No. 835 Approving Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 FERC issues a final rule approving Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 (Disturbance Control - Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event), eight new or revised definitions to be included in the NERC Glossary, retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard BAL-002-1, associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels, and implementation plan. | 1/19/2017 |
| | 1/19/2017 |
| Order No. 830-A Denying Rehearing FERC issues an order denying four rehearing requests of Order No. 830, which approved Reliability Standard TPL-007-1 (Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events). | 1/19/2017 |
| | 1/18/2017 |
| | 1/13/2017 |