FERC Orders/Rules 2017
Docket Number
RM18-2-000 and AD17-9-000
​​NOPR on Cyber Security Incident Reporting Reliability Standards​​

FERC issues a NOPR proposing to direct NERC to develop and submit modifications to the CIP Reliability Standards to improve the mandatory reporting of Cyber Security Incidents.

Press Release​​​



Letter Order Approving Errata to the Implementation Plan for the Revised Definition of Remedial Action Scheme

FERC issues a letter order approving errata to the Implementation Plan for the Revised Definition of Remedial Action Scheme (RAS).

​Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standards PRC-027-1 and PER-006-1​​

FERC issues an notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to approve (i) Reliability Standards PRC-027-1 (Coordination of Protection Systems for Performance During Faults) and PER-006-1 (Specific Training for Personnel); (ii) new and revised definitions of Protection System Coordination Study, Operational Planning Analysis and Real-time Assessment; (iii)the associated VRFs/VSLs and Implementation Plans; and (iv) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard PRC-001-1(ii).​

​Order Accepting the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program​

FERC issues an order accepting NERC's 2016 ERO Enterprise Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) Annual Report, and denies NERC's request for approval of two proposed changes to the CMEP: eliminating the public posting of compliance exceptions identified through self-logging, and expanding the use of compliance exceptions to include certain moderate risk non-compliance.​

​Order Accepting 2018 Business Plans and Budgets

FERC issues an order accepting the 2018 business plans and budgets of NERC, the Regional Entities, and Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board (WIRAB).

Letter Order Approving WECC SDP Manual Revisions

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's petition to approve the  Western Coordinating Council ("WECC") Regional Entity Standards Development Process Manual.

​Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standard CIP-003-7​

FERC issues a notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to approve (i) Reliability Standard  CIP-003-7 (Cyber Security - Security Management Controls); (ii) revised definitions of Removable Media and Transient Cyber Asset to be included in the NERC Glossary; (iii) the associated VRFs and VSLs; (iv) the associated Implementation Plan; and (v) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard CIP-003-6 and the NERC Glossary definitions of Low Impact External Connectivity and Low Impact BEC Cyber System Electronic Access Point.​

​Order on Geomagnetic Disturbance Research Work Plan​​

FERC issues an order accepting NERC's Geomagnetic Disturbance research work plan as directed in Commission Order No. 830. ​

​Letter Order Approving regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-02​

FERC issues a letter order approving regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-02​ (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding (UFLS) Requirements).​​

​Letter Order Approving regional Reliability Standard BAL-502-RF-03​​

FERC issues an order approving regional Reliability Standard BAL-502-RF-03 (Planning Resource Adequacy Analysis, Assessment and Documentation).​

​Letter Order Approving revisions to VRFs for BAL-002-2​​

FERC issues a letter order approving revisions to the violation risk factors for Requirements R1 and R2 of Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 (Disturbance Control Standard-Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event).​

Order Terminating Proceeding re the Cyber Systems in Control Centers

FERC issues an order terminating the Notice of Inquiry seeking comments on possible modifications to the Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards to address the cybersecurity of control centers used to monitor and control the Bulk Electric System.

​Letter Order Approving an Errata to Voltage and Reactive Control Reliability Standards

FERC issues a letter order approving an errata to Reliability Standards VAR-001-4.1 - Voltage and Reactive Control, VAR-002-4 - Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Schedules, and regional Reliability Standard VAR-501-WECC-3 - Power System Stabilizer.

Order No. 836 Approving Reliability Standards BAL-005-1, FAC-001-3 and retirement BAL-006-2

FERC issues a final rule approving (i) revised Reliability Standards BAL-005-1 and FAC-001-3; (ii) the associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels; (iii) the associated implementation plan; (iv) revisions to the definitions of Automatic Generation Control, Pseudo-Tie; and Balancing Authority; and (v) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standards BAL-005-0.2b, BAL-006-2, and FAC-001-2.

​Order No. 837 Approving Reliability Standard PRC-012-2, retirement of Reliability Standards PRC-015-1 and PRC-016-1, and withdrawal of pending Reliability Standards PRC-012-1, PRC-013-1, and PRC-014-1

FERC issues a final rule approving (i) Reliability Standard PRC-012-2; (ii) the associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels; (iii) the associated implementation plan; (iv) retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standards PRC-015-1 and PRC-016-1; and (v) withdrawal of "pending" Reliability Standards PRC-012-1, PRC-013-1, and PRC-014-1.

​Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standards EOP-004-4, EOP-005-3, EOP-006-3 and EOP-008-2

FERC issues a notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to approve (i) proposed Relaibility Standards EOP-004-4, EOP-005-3, EOP-006-3 and EOP-008-2; and (ii) the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standards EOP-004-3, EOP-005-2, EOP-006-2, and EOP-008-1.

Letter Order Accepting NERC 2016 Budget True-Up Filing

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's 2016 budget true-up filing showing comparisons between budgeted and actual expenditures, audited financial statements, and administrative cost metrics for itself and the eight Regional Entities for the 2016 fiscal year, in compliance with previous Commission orders.

​Notice of Request for Supplemental Comments re Essential Reliability Services and the Evolving Bulk-Power System-Primary Frequency Response 

FERC issues a notice requesting comments on its NOPR issued November 17, 2016, proposing to revise the pro forma Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) and Small Generator Interconnection Agreement to impose Frequency Response capability obligations new generation. Comments are due 21 days after publication in the Federal Register.

​Letter Order Approving Amendments to the Texas RE Bylaws and RSDP

FERC issues a delegated order approving amendments to the Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. bylaws and Regional Reliability Standards development process.

Letter Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard VAR-501-WECC-3

FERC issues a delegated letter order approving Regional Reliability Standard VAR-501-WECC-3 (Power System Stabilizers).

​Letter Order Approving Reliability Standards IRO-002-5 and TOP-001-4

FERC issues a delegated order approving Reliability Standards IRO-002-5 (Reliability Coordination - Monitoring and Analysis) and TOP-001-4 (Transmission Operations).

Letter Order Approving Retirement of Regional Reliability Standard TOP-007-WECC-1a

FERC issued a letter order approving the retirement of regional Reliability Standard TOP-007-WECC-1a - System Operating Limits.

Data Request in Response to Petition for Approval of Proposed Reliability Standards BAL-005-1 and FAC-001-3

FERC issued a data request seeking additional information regarding the current practices of a representative sample of entities potentially affected by the revised Reliability Standards BAL-005-1 and FAC-001-3. 

​Letter Order Approved Amendments to FRCC Regional Reliability SDPM

FERC issues a delegated order approving amendments to Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc. (FRCC) Regional Reliability Standards Development Process Manual (SDPM).

​Letter Order Approving an Interpretation to Regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2a

FERC issues a delegated order approving an interpretation of regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2a.

Order No. 835 Approving Reliability Standard BAL-002-2

FERC issues a final rule approving Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 (Disturbance Control - Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event), eight new or revised definitions to be included in the NERC Glossary, retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard BAL-002-1, associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels, and implementation plan.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standard PRC-012-2

FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve Reliability Standard PRC-012-2 (Remedial Action Schemes).

Order No. 830-A Denying Rehearing

FERC issues an order denying four rehearing requests of Order No. 830, which approved Reliability Standard TPL-007-1 (Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events).

Letter Order Approving Retirement for Reliability Standard BAL-004-0

FERC issues a letter order approving the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard BAL-004-0 (Time Error Correction).

​FERC Order Approving NERC's Annual FFTs and CEs Programs​

FERC issues an order approving NERC's annual report on the Find, Fix, Track and Report (FFT) and Compliance Exception (CE) Programs as well as the request for a process change to facilitate tracking CE mitigation activities.​
