FERC Orders/Rules 2019
Docket Number


​Order Accepting 2020 Business Plans and Budgets

FERC issues an order accepting the 2019 business plans and budgets of NERC, the Regional Entities, and Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board (WIRAB).


Letter Order Approving NERC 2018 Budget True-Up Filing

FERC issues a delegated letter order accepting NERC's 2018 budget true-up filing showing comparisons between budgeted and actual expenditures for itself and the Regional Entities for the 2018 fiscal year, in compliance with previous Commission orders.



Letter Order Approving Proposed Reliability Standard CIP-003-8

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's request for approval of proposed Reliability Standard CIP-003-8 (Cyber Security — Security Management Controls), the associated implementation plan, violation risk factors and violation severity levels; and the retirement of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7.



Letter Order Approving Proposed Reliability Standard IRO-002-6

FERC issues a letter order approving the joint petition of NERC and WECC for approval of proposed reliability standard IRO-002-6. This version of the standard adds a regional variance for the Western Interconnection to promote coordination among Reliability Coordinators (RCs). The continent-wide requirements​ are unchanged. 



Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve Reliability Standard TPL-001-5

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to approve Reliability Standard TPL-001-5 (Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements ). The Commission also proposes to direct NERC to develop modifications to the standard to require corrective action plans for protection system single points of failure in combination with three-phase faults if planning studies indicate potential cascading.



Order Approving the Petition for the Request for Approval of Proposed Reliability Standard CIP-008-6

FERC issues an order approving NERC's request for approval of proposed reliability Standard CIP-008-6 (Cyber Security - Incident Reporting and Response Planning) filed with the Commission on March 7, 2019.  The Order also approves the associated implementation plan, violation risk factors and violation severity levels and the inclusion of proposed revised definitions of "Cyber Security Incident" and "Reportable Cyber Security Incident" into the NERC Glossary, and the retirement of Reliability Standard CIP-008-5.



Letter Order Approving the Petition for the Request to Advance Funds From NERC's Operating Contingency Reserves to Support the Dissolution of FRCC Inc.'s Regional Entity Division

FERC issues a letter order approving the petition for the request to advance funds from NERC's Operating Contingency Reserves to support the dissolution of FRCC Inc.'s Regional Entity division.  The letter order also directs NERC to submit an informational report on or before June 1, 2020.



FERC issues a letter order approving the joint submission of NERC and WECC approving proposed Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-3.  Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-3 addresses the requests for transmission relief due to unscheduled flow on Qualified Paths in the Western Interconnection.   


Letter Order Approving the Joint Petition Requesting Certain Approvals in connection with the Dissolution of FRCC

FERC issues a letter order approving the Joint Petition filed by NERC, SERC and FRCC on February 27, 2019 requesting certain Commission approvals in connection with the Dissolution of FRCC as a Regional Entity.



Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve Reliability Standard CIP-012-1

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to approve Reliability Standard CIP-012-1.   The Commission also proposes to direct NERC to develop and submit modifications to the proposed Reliability Standard to: (1) require protections regarding the availability of communication links and data communicated between bulk electric system Control Centers; and (2) clearly identify the types of data that must be protected.  The Commission is seeking comment on the above mentioned proposals to modify the Reliability Standard.  Comments are due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.



Letter Order Approving the Retirement of Regional Reliability Standard PRC-004-WECC-2

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC and WECC's joint petition (filed March 9, 2018)  and the supplemental petition (filed February 11, 2019) for the approval of the retirement of regional Reliability Standard PRC-004-WECC-2 (Protection System and Remedial action Scheme Misoperation).  The retirement will be effective January 1, 2021.



Letter Order Approving Amendments to Appendix 3A of the NERC ROP, Standards Processes Manual

FERC issues a delegated letter order approving NERC's November 19, 2018 filing of proposed amendments to Appendix 3A of the NERC Rules of Procedure, Standards Processes Manual.  The amendments will: (1) enhance processes for field test to support standards development for posting supporting technical documents; (2) improve the processes for appeals and interpretations; (3) provide language to clarify existing standard processes; and (4) streamline language, address formatting items and make other necessary changes.



Letter Order Approving Revised Appendix 4E to NERC's ROP

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's October 16, 2018 filing of revisions to the Rules of Procedure, Appendix 4E, the Compliance and Certification Committee ("CCC") Hearing Procedures and Mediation Procedures. The purpose of the revisions is to align the rules and procedural steps of the Hearing Proceedures used in the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program as per the CCC Charter.



Letter Order Approving the Amended Compliance and Certification Committee Charter

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's November 30, 2018 filing of an amended Compliance and Certification Committee Charter.  The amendments were made to reflect the dissolution of the Southwest Power Pool Regional Entity.



Letter Order Approving Petition for Retirement of Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-TRE-1

FERC issues a delegated letter order approving the joint petition submitted by NERC and Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. on Dec. 14, 2018 for approval of the retirement of regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-TRE-1.



Letter order approving amended WECC bylaws

FERC issues an order approving amended WECC bylaws



Letter Order Approving Compliance Filing on Amendments to NERC's Rules of Procedure

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's November 16, 2018 compliance filing on amendments to the NERC Rules of procedure to restore sections 603, 604 and 605, as well as correct typographical errors in sections 600 and 900, in accordance with FERC's July 19, 2018 order.



Letter Order Approving the NERC Annual Report on the Find, Fix, Track, and Report and Compliance Exeption Programs

FERC issues a letter order approving the annual report on the find, fix, and report and Compliance Exeption Progams  filed with the Commission on November 1, 2018.
