FERC Orders/Rules 2024


Docket Number


​Order Approving NERC's Amended and Restated Bylaws​

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's petition for approval of amendments to the NERC bylaws to remove Regional Entities as members of NERC and remove the Regional Entity Sector from the Member Representatives Committee (MRC). 



Letter Order Approving Compliance Filing

FERC issues a letter order approving the August 26, 2024 Compliance Filing submitted in response to FERC's Order Approving Revisions to NERC's Rules of Procedure.



​Order Accepting 2025 Business Plans and Budgets​

FERC issues an order accepting the 2025 business plans and budgets of NERC, the Regional Entities, and the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body (WIRAB).


​Order Denying Complaint​

FERC issues an order denying the Complaint of Michael Mabee regarding use of Chinese equipment on the North American BPS.



Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard FAC-501-WECC-4​

FERC issues an order approving Regional Reliability Standard FAC-501-WECC-4.



Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Supply Chain Risk Management Reliability Standards Revisions​

FERC issues a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to direct NERC to develop and submit for approval new or modified Reliability Standards addressing supply chain risk management. The NOPR proposes to direct NERC to submit responsive standards within 12 months of the effective date of a final rule in the proceeding.



Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to approve Reliability Standard CIP-015-1​

FERC issues a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve proposed Reliability Standard CIP-015-1 - Cyber Security - Internal Network Security Monitoring and direct further revisions to be submitted within 12 months of the effective date of a final rule in the proceeding.​


​RD24-5-000​; RD24-1-000

​Order Approving Extreme Cold Weather Reliability Standard EOP-012-2 and Directing Modification

FERC issues an order accepting proposed Reliability Standard EOP-012-2 (Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations). The order also directs NERC to develop and submit five modifications to the Standard within nine months.



Revisions to Regulations on Electric Reliability Organization Performance Assessments​

FERC issues an order withdrawing a notice of proposed rulemaking on amending the Commission’s regulations regarding the Electric Reliability Organization’s performance assessments and terminates the proceeding.

Order Approving Revisions to North American Electric Reliability Corporation Rules of Procedure and Requiring Compliance Filing​

FERC issues an order approving NERC’s proposed revisions to its Rules of Procedure, subject to NERC submitting a compliance filing, under section 215 of the Federal Power Act. The revisions facilitate the registration of owners and operators of inverter-based resources that are connected to the Bulk-Power System. The order also directs NERC to submit a compliance filing, within 60 days, explaining whether the NERC proposal would apply to the registration of owners and operators of battery storage resources, fuel cells, and all other IBR technologies, and if not, what NERC’s plan is to include such resources.


​Letter Order Approving Cold Weather Data Collection ​

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's compliance filing outlining its proposed plan for cold weather data collection, made in accordance with the Commission’s February 2023 order in Docket No. RD23-1.



Order Approving Reliability Standard CIP-012-2​

FERC issues an order approving Reliability Standard CIP-012-2.​



​Order Approving Reporting ACE and Related Definitions​

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's petition seeking approval of the proposed new and revised definitions of terms used in reliability standards related to Reporting ACE.



​Order Approving Revisions to the NERC Working Capital and Operating Reserve Policy

FERC issues an Order Approving Revisions to the NERC Working Capital and Operating Reserve Policy.



Order Approving Reliability Standards EOP-011-4 and TOP-002-5​

FERC issues an Order Approving Extreme Cold Weather Reliability Standards EOP-011-4 and TOP-002-5.



Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard VAR-501-WECC-4​

FERC issues a letter approving Regional Reliability Standard VAR-501-WECC-4.



Order Approving PRC-023-6​​

FERC issues a delegated letter order approving Reliability Standard PRC-023-6.
