The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order on February 16, 2023 directing NERC to work with Commission staff to develop a plan to collect data on the winterization of generating units and to submit an annual informational filing on the analysis of the data. Specifically, NERC was directed to develop a plan that included, at a minimum, data that will help FERC understand what portion of a generator's fleet is capable of performing at the Extreme Cold Weather Temperature for the location, what portion is under a corrective action plan (and until when), and what portion will not be winterized due to declared constraints. In addition, the plan was to include how NERC will assess actual performance of freeze protection measures during future extreme cold weather events.
In response, NERC filed its work plan on February 16, 2024 detailing its data collection and analysis for cold weather data which focuses on analyzing data collected through this Section 1600 cold weather generator data request.
NERC registered entities with a Generator Owner function must respond by May 15 of each year, with the initial submission of data due by May 15, 2025. Entities will be able to amend data submitted until June 15, 2025.
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