Interpretation 2010-INT-03 TOP-002-2a for FMPP

This interpretation has been accepted and is in queue for processing.

Purpose/Industry Need
Florida Municipal Power Pool (FMPP) is seeking clarification as to what "ensure" and "deliverability/ capability" mean, and whether the Balancing Authority needs to maintain accurate computer models to analyze and plan to maintain a load-interchange-generation balance.

Interpretation Process
In accordance with the Reliability Standards Development Procedure, the interpretation must be posted for a 30-day pre-ballot review, and then balloted.  There is no public comment period for an interpretation.  Balloting will be conducted following the same method used for balloting standards.  If the interpretation is approved by its ballot pool, then the interpretation will be appended to the standard and will become effective when adopted by the NERC Board of Trustees and approved by the applicable regulatory authorities.  The interpretation will remain appended to the standard until the standard is revised through the normal standards development process.  When the standard is revised, the clarifications provided by the interpretation will be incorporated into the revised standard. 

Draft Action Dates Results Consideration of Comments
FMPP Interpretation of TOP-002-2a R2, R8, and R19

Request for Interpretation

Recirculation Ballot
Initial Ballot      
Pre-ballot Window
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03/05/10 - 04/05/10

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