Cancel Testifies on Emerging Threats at House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Manny Cancel, NERC senior vice president and Electricity Information Analysis Sharing Center (E-ISAC) chief executive officer testified before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, which is part of the Committee on Energy and Commerce on Tuesday July 18, 2023. Cancel addressed the highly complex and continuously evolving threat environment as well as actions being taken by the E-ISAC to address security risks during the hearing, “Examining Emerging Threats to Electric Energy Infrastructure.”

Grid security requires continuous vigilance and agility to ensure the reliable delivery of electricity that is essential to every aspect of life in the United States.

NERC appreciates the committee’s focus on these matters and will continue to work toward assuring the reliability and security of the North American bulk power system.

The hearing was webcast live on the committee’s website. An archived recording and witness testimony are available here.

Posted On: 07/17/2023