NERC's Standards program ensures the reliability of the bulk power system by developing quality reliability standards in a timely manner that are effective, clear, consistent and technically sound.
The Bulk Power System Awareness group collects and analyzes information on system disturbances and other incidents that could have an impact to the North American bulk power system (BPS). BPSA, with the assistance of Reliability Coordinators and use of various tools, monitors present conditions on the BPS; providing leadership coordination, technical expertise analysis, and assisting Registered Entities as needed to ensure the security and reliability of the BPS.
E-ISAC gathers security information, coordinates incident management, and communicates mitigation strategies with stakeholders within the electricity industry, across interdependent sectors, and with government partners.
The focus of NERC's Compliance & Enforcement program is to improve the reliability of the bulk power system in North America by fairly and consistently enforcing compliance with NERC standards.
The Event Analysis, Reliability Assessment, and Performance Analysis program assesses, measures and investigates historic trends and future projections to improve bulk power system reliability.
System Operator Certification and Credential Maintenance Program provides oversight to the policies and processes used to implement and maintain the integrity and independence of the NERC System Operator Certification Program and is responsible for developing and maintaining the Credential Maintenance Program.