Statement on FERC February Open Meeting

WASHINGTON, D.C. – At its monthly open meeting, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order approving NERC Reliability Standard TPL-008-1 (Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Temperature Events) and the associated implementation plan, violation risk factors, and violation severity levels. FERC also approved NERC’s proposed definition of “extreme temperature assessment” for inclusion in the NERC Glossary of Terms. 

In addition, FERC issued an order approving NERC’s newly defined term “inverter-based resource” and Reliability Standards PRC-028-1 (Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for Inverter-Based Resources), PRC-002-5 (Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and PRC-030-1 (Unexpected Inverter-Based Resource Event Mitigation). FERC noted that the newly defined term and Reliability Standards satisfy many of the Commission’s directives from Order No. 901 to establish performance requirements and requirements for sharing disturbance monitoring data and post-disturbance ramp rates for inverter-based resources.

NERC appreciates FERC’s focus on reliability matters and will continue to work toward assuring the reliability and security of the North American bulk power system.

Posted On: 02/20/2025