Credential Maintenance Working Group (CMWG)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The CMWG reports to the Personnel Certification Governance Committee (PCGC) and is responsible for developing and maintaining the Credential Maintenance Program under the general guidelines set by the PCGC, including:

  1. Development and implementation of NERC Credential Maintenance Program requirements to ensure quality learning activities for use in NERC Certified System Operator credential maintenance.
  2. Development and maintenance of a process to approve credential maintenance providers and learning activities that meet the PCGC credential maintenance requirements.
  3. Performance of periodic audits of credential maintenance providers and training activities to ensure the approved providers and training activities satisfy the PCGC credential maintenance requirements.
  4. Development and maintenance of a multi-level review process for disputed application reviews, probation, or suspension of NERC-approved provider status, and Credential Maintenance Hour disputes.

CMWG officers or delegates shall provide quarterly updates to the PCGC on the Credential Maintenance Program.