Synchronized Measurement Working Group (SMWG)

​All previous documents under the Planning Committee can be found here: SMS Documents​.​

The purpose of the SMWG is to provide technical guidance and support for the use of synchronized and high-resolution measurements to enhance the reliability and resilience of the bulk power system (BPS) across North America.

Recent Activity
  • Developed and published the reporting criteria for oscillation event reporting template.
  • Consolidated the two oscillation papers.
  • Finalized the 3/21 oscillation event report.​
Upcoming Activity
  • Add oscillation as a category in RCIS.
  • Draft a Synchrophasor Data Accuracy Maintenance Manual.
  • Hold a discussion with the RCs about challenges with Real-time Operational Use of PMU Data.
  • Seek out other possibilities of deploying ESAMS.

collapse Year : 2025 ‎(1)
collapse Year : 2024 ‎(8)
collapse Year : 2023 ‎(8)
collapse Year : 2022 ‎(2)
collapse Year : 2021 ‎(2)