Supply Chain Working Group (SCWG)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The NERC Board of Trustees (Board) may, on occasion, request technical expertise in developing and prioritizing Compliance products. The Reliability and Security Technical Committee (RSTC) supports these requests through the SCWG on an ad hoc basis.

SCWG Objectives/Duties

  • The RSTC will oversee the SCWG.
  • The SCWG will maintain a roster of technical cyber and operations security experts from the RSTC voting members, alternate members, and other willing participants and conduct the following activities (items from the NERC Board resolution are listed as primary objectives):
  • NERC Board: Identify known supply chain risks and address though guidance documentation or other appropriate vehicles including input to NERC Alerts or the E-ISAC advisories.
  • NERC Board: Partner with National Laboratories to identify vulnerabilities in legacy equipment and develop mitigation practices.
  • NERC Board: Assist where possible the E-ISAC efforts to engage the ​​Department of Energy and Department of Homeland Security to explore information sharing and supply chain risk assessments.
  • NERC Board: Assist NERC staff by providing input and feedback associated with the development and execution of supply chain documents.
  • Coordinate with the North American Transmission Forum (NATF) and other industry groups as appropriate to ensure bulk power system (BPS) asset owner supply chain security requirements are clearly articulated.
  • Develop other guidance where needed under the direction of the RSTC.​

Subscribe to SCWG Distribution List

If you would like to be added to the SCWG Meeting Distribution List, you must first register an account in the ERO Portal.

Once you have registered your ERO Portal account, authenticated your credentials with DUO, and completed your profile, please click the Subscribe link above to submit an email with your request with the following in the subject line "Please add me to the SCWG Meeting Distribution List".

SCWG Meeting Schedule
SCWG Roster
SCWG Scope
SCWG Work Plan
Supply Chain Cyber Security Practices Letter 2019
Supply Chain Effectiveness Survey Questions
collapse Year : 2025 ‎(1)
collapse Year : 2024 ‎(8)
collapse Year : 2023 ‎(11)
collapse Year : 2022 ‎(7)