Probabilistic Assessment Working Group (PAWG)
​​​​​​All previous documents under the Planning Committee can be found here: PAWG Documents​.

The NERC Probabilistic Assessment Working Group (PAWG) advances and continuously improves the probabilistic components of the resource adequacy efforts of the ERO Enterprise in assessing the reliability of the North American Bulk Power System. The group leads the performance of the annual NERC Core Probabilistic Assessment (ProbA) and provides the results that are published within the Long-Term Reliability Assessments, and supports the development of NERC-coordinated special probabilistic assessments.

Please include “Please add me to the PAWG Distribution List" in the subject line. 

collapse Year : 2024 ‎(10)
collapse Year : 2023 ‎(19)
collapse Year : 2022 ‎(11)
collapse Year :  ‎(3)
collapse Year : 2024 ‎(4)
2020 ProbA Regional Risk Scenarios Report_final_approved.pdf2020 ProbA Regional Risk Scenarios Report
2022_ProbA_Regional_Risk_Scenarios_Report.pdf2022 ProbA Regional Risk Scenarios Report
TRD-Data_Collections_Report.pdfData Collection Approaches for Probabilistic Assessments Technical Reference Document
Probabilistic_Adequacy_and_Measures_Report.pdfProbabilistic Adequacy and Measures Report
proba_technical_guideline_document_08082014.pdfProbabilistic Assessment Technical Guideline Document
White Paper Draft Probabilistic Planning for Tail Risks.pdfWhite Paper: Draft Probabilistic Planning for Tail Risks