2024-2026 Nominations


As the terms expire for a number of Reliability Issues Steering Committee (RISC) members on January 31, 2024, volunteers are being sought from the Member Representatives Committee (MRC) and industry to serve on the RISC for two-year terms ending January 31, 2026.

The RISC is an advisory committee that reports directly to the NERC Board of Trustees (Board) and triages and provides front-end, high-level leadership and accountability for issues of strategic importance to bulk power system (BPS) reliability and security. The RISC assists the Board, NERC technical committees, NERC staff, regulators, Regional Entities, and industry stakeholders in establishing a common understanding of the scope, priority, and goals for the development of solutions to these issues. In doing so, the RISC provides a framework for developing recommendations to help NERC and the industry effectively focus their resources on the critical issues needed to improve the reliability and security of the BPS. The 2023 ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report was approved by the Board on August 17, 2023 and is posted on the RISC web page. 

As described in the RISC charter, nominees for RISC should meet the following general qualifications:

    • Executive-level position within the electric utility industry;
    • High-level understanding and strategic perspectives on reliability risks; and
    • Commitment to regular participation on the RISC in a collaborative and consensus-building manner.

When determining a final slate of recommended members, the RISC Nominating Committee will evaluate nominees based on experience and qualifications, as well as diversity within the context of the entire membership of the RISC based on the following considerations:

    • Geographic and international diversity, such that Eastern, Western, and Texas Interconnections, along with Canada are represented on the RISC;
    • Sector, size, and asset (transmission, distribution, load, generation, etc.) diversity; and
    • Diversity in professional background and experience.

If you are interested in nominating either yourself or another person, please complete the attached nomination form at the following link: RISC Nomination Form.

Nomination Period has closed.



2021​ RISC Nominations
File TypeDateDescription
December 2024RISC Nomination Form
​RISC Charter (Approved by the Board of Trustees: August 20, 2020)
 Submitted RISC Nomination Forms
January 14

​​Charles Yeung
​January 14
​Chris Lincoln

​January 14
​Joe Sowell

​January 14
​John Babik

​January 14
​Lee Ragsdale

​January 14
​Margaret Albright

​January 14
​Maurice Moss

​January 14
​Nelson Peeler

​January 14
​Tom Galloway

​January 14
​Tim Kelley

​January 14
​Jennifer Flandermeyer

​January 14
​Monica Jain

​January 14
​Brian Slocum

​January 14
​Felek Abbas

​January 14
John Waterhouse
​January 14
​Tino Zaragoza

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