Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP)
 Compliance monitoring involves the use of the ERO Enterprise Risk-Based Compliance Oversight Framework (Framework). The Framework focuses on identifying, prioritizing, and addressing risks to the bulk power system (BPS), enabling each Regional Entity (RE) to direct resources where they are most needed. REs are responsible for tailoring their monitoring (i.e., monitoring tools and the frequency and depth of monitoring engagements) of registered entities through use of the Framework. This process is described in more detail in the ERO Enterprise’s Risk-Based CMEP.
As reliability risk is not the same for all registered entities, the Framework examines BPS risk of registered entities (both collectively and individually) to determine the most appropriate CMEP tool to use when monitoring a registered entity’s compliance with NERC Reliability Standards. The Framework also promotes an examination into how registered entities operate and tailors compliance monitoring focus to areas that pose the greatest risk to BPS reliability. The Framework elements are dynamic and are not independent; rather, they are complementary and interdependent.