Project 2024-01 Rules of Procedure Definitions Alignment (Generator Owner and Generator Operator)

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The nomination period for Project 2024-01 Rules of Procedure Definitions Alignment (Generator Owner and Generator Operator) is open through 8 p.m. Eastern, Monday, July 1, 2024. 

The SAR will be posted for REVIEW ONLY at this time and will have a future commenting period to be determined upon FERC approval of the proposed ROP changes. An additional announcement will be communicated once the SAR commenting period is open.

The project will address concerns regarding the reliability impacts of inverter-based resources (IBRs) on the Bulk-Power System that do not meet the current definition of Bulk Electric System (BES) and have not historically been required to be registered with NERC for compliance with the NERC Reliability Standards. Such concerns are discussed in detail in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) November 17, 2022 order in Docket No. RD22-4-000, in which FERC directed NERC to develop a work plan to address the registration of these IBRs and ensure their compliance with Reliability Standards by certain milestone dates. See Registration of Inverter-Based Resources, 181 FERC ¶ 61,124 (Nov. 17, 2022).

In March 2024, NERC proposed changes to its Rules of Procedure registry criteria to include certain non-BES IBRs in the Generator Owner (GOs) and Generator Operator (GOP) categories. Revising the GO and GOP definitions in the NERC Glossary of Terms to match the registry criteria will ensure these previously unregistered IBRs will be subject to the NERC Reliability Standards and mitigate their impacts on the BPS.  

Standard(s) Affected:  BAL-001-TRE-2, IRO-010-5, MOD-032-1, PRC-012-2, PRC-017-1, TOP-003-6.1, VAR-001-5, VAR-002-4.1

Purpose/Industry Need
The goal of this project is to match the NERC Glossary of Terms definitions of Generator Owner and Generator Operator with the revised definitions contained in the Rules of Procedure registry criteria for Generator Owner and Generator Operator.

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DraftActionsDatesResultsConsideration of Comments
Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Nomination Form (Word)​​

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations

05/31/24 – 07/01/24 

SAR ​ (Review only)