Project 2023-07 Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Weather

​​​​​​​​Related Files​

A 38-day formal comment period for draft two oTPL-008-1 – Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Temperature Events is open through 8 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, August 22, 2024.​ ​

Additional ballots for the standard and implementation plan, as well as a non-binding poll of the associated Violation Risk Factors and Violation Severity Levels will be conducted August 13-22, 2024.

The Standards Committee approved waivers to the Standards Process Manual at their December 2023 meeting. These waivers were sought by NERC Standards for reduced formal comment and ballot periods to assist the drafting teams in expediting the standards development process due to firm timeline expectations set by FERC Order 896. 


On June 15, 2023, FERC issued a Final Rulemaking to direct NERC to develop a new or modified Reliability Standard to address a lack of a long-term planning requirement(s) for extreme heat and cold weather events. Specifically, FERC directed NERC to develop modifications to Reliability Standard TPL-001-5.1 or a new Reliability Standard, to require the following: (1) development of benchmark planning cases based on major prior extreme heat and cold weather events and/or meteorological projections; (2) planning for extreme heat and cold weather events using steady state and transient stability analyses expanded to cover a range of extreme weather scenarios including the expected resource mix's availability during extreme heat and cold weather conditions, and including the wide-area impacts of extreme heat and cold weather; and (3) development of corrective action plans that mitigate any instances where performance requirements for extreme heat and cold weather events are not met.​ In addition, FERC directed “NERC to submit a new or modified Reliability Standard within 18 months of the date of publication of this final rule in the Federal Register," which equates to December 15, 2024.​

Standard Affected: TPL-001-5.1

Purpose/Industry Need
Consistent with FERC Order No. 896, the purpose of this project is to address the reliability gap pertaining to the consideration of extreme heat and cold weather events that exist in current transmission planning standards (e.g., NERC Reliability Standard TPL-001-5.1 – Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements).

Recent extreme weather events have shown the risk that such events can pose to the reliable operation of the BPS, and have highlighted the high risk to life and extreme economic impacts that can result from unplanned load shed during such conditions. The impact of concurrent failures of BPS generation and transmission equipment and the potential for cascading outages that may be caused by extreme heat and cold weather events should be studied and corrective actions should be identified and implemented.

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DraftActionsDatesResultsConsideration of Comments

Draft 2


Clean | Redline to Last Posted

Implementation Plan​


Supporting Materials

Technical Rationale​

Unofficial Comment Form​

VRF/VSL Justifications

Consideration of FERC Order 896 Directives​

Informational Materials

Note: NERC is committed to providing additional information regarding the criteria used in the development of benchmark events. As a reminder, the items being balloted are the TPL-008-1 Reliability Standard and the Implementation Plan.

See FERC Order 896 Paragraph 35 regarding the directive for creation of benchmark events.

TPL-008-1 ERO Benchmark Weather Event Development and Maintenance Process DRAFT​

Benchmark Event Example​

Additional Ballot



8/13/24 - 8/22/24

Comment Period


Submit Comments​​

​​​7/16/24 - 8/22/24

Draft 1


Implementation Plan


Supporting Materials

Technical Rationale​

Unofficial Comment Form​

VRF/VSL Justifications​

Consideration of FERC Order 896 Directives

Initial Ballot

Ballot Open Reminder​



4/24/24 - 5/3/24


Ballot Results


 Implementation Plan​

 Non-bindin​g Poll Results​

​Consideration of Comments

Join Ballot Pools​

3/20/24 - 4/18/24

​Comment Period


Submit Comments​​

3/20/24 - 5/3/24​​

​Comments Received​

​Standards Committee accepted the waiver on December 13, 2023.

Standard Authorization Request

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

Comment Period


Submit Comments

8/29/23 – 9/27/23

Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Nomination Form (Word)

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations​​

8/29/23 – 9/27/23

