NERC 2023 Year-in-Review Video and E-ISAC 2023 End-of-Year Report Reflect Positive ERO Response to Challenging Year

WASHINGTON, D.C. – NERCs 2023 Year-in-Review video highlights the criticality of the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Enterprise's collective mission and vision of assuring the reliability, resilience and security of the North American bulk power system during a time of extraordinary transformation. The video highlights key accomplishments from the past year spanning NERC​s four key focus areas—Energy, Security, Agility and Sustainability—and features opening and closing remarks from NERC President and CEO Jim Robb.

The Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC), which this year celebrates its 25th Anniversary also released its 2023 End-of-Year Report (EOY). The EOY summarizes the E-ISAC’s accomplishments against a challenging cyber and physical threat backdrop and provides an overview of key activities, the strides made in enhanced information sharing between E-ISAC’s government partners in the United States and Canada and its members as well as a look ahead to 2024.

Speaking about the year-end reviews at the recent NERC Board of Trustees meeting, Robb said, “These two products provide an overview of progress on our work plan priorities in a very engaging, accessible way — something stakeholders have told us they are looking for.”

Posted On: 02/20/2024