System Protection and Control Working Group (SPCWG)

The purpose of the System Protection and Control Working Group (SPCWG), a working group of the Reliability and Security Technical Committee (RSTC), is to promote the reliable and efficient operation of the North American power system through technical excellence in protection and control system design, coordination, and practices.

The SPCWG accomplishes its goals by performing the following:​​

  • Provide subject matter expertise for NERC Reliability Standards and technical guidelines, including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Protection and control systems, including local and wide area applications, and synchrophasor applications
    • Remedial Action Scheme (RAS)
    • ​Power system monitoring
  • Provide subject matter expertise upon request, on Protection System operations to the ERO Enterprise.
  • Provide technical support to the NERC Event Analysis Program, including input and development of any lessons learned as needed from the Event Analysis Subcommittee (EAS).
  • Provide technical support in the development of Implementation Guidance.
  • Serve as the liaison to the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) committees associated with system protection and their associated subcommittees and working groups, for collaborative promotion of technical excellence in system protection.
  • Develop and maintain a NERC technical reference library on system protection and control.
  • ​​Other protection and control activities as determined by the SPCWG.

​All previous documents under the Planning Committee can be found here: SPCS Documents.​

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collapse Year : 2025 ‎(1)
collapse Year : 2024 ‎(10)
collapse Year : 2023 ‎(8)