Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center

​​​​​​​​​​​​The E-ISAC gathers and analyzes security data, shares appropriate data with stakeholders, coordinates incident management, and communicates mitigation strategies with stakeholders. The E-ISAC, in collaboration with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC), serves as the primary security communications channel for the electric industry and enhances industry's ability to prepare for and respond to cyber and physical threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents. 

The E-ISAC is operated by NERC and is organizationally isolated from NERC’s enforcement processes.
The E-ISAC: 
  • Gathers,​ analyzes, and shares cyber and physical threat alerts, warnings, advisories, notices, and vulnerability assessments security information provided by members;
  • Provides an electronic, secure capability for E-ISAC participants to exchange and share information on all threats to defend critical infrastructure;
  • Coordinates incident management;
  • Communicates mitigation strategies with stakeholders across sectors; and
  • Serves as a central point of coordination and communication for members.

Join the E-ISAC

The E-ISAC offers membership to North American electricity and natural gas industry asset owners and operators. Physical and cyber security professionals at these organizations will especially benefit from joining the E-ISAC. Request at E-ISAC Portal account here.


  • Access to the E-ISAC Portal: The Portal provides information to help its users monitor, mitigate, and respond to emerging and current threats to the grid. Through the Portal, users can voluntarily share information either with attribution or anonymously.
  • Incident Bulletins: Real-time updates with expert analysis on cyber and physical security incidents
  • Security Briefings: E-ISAC exclusive webinars on current security topics
  • Reports and White Papers: Updates on current and emerging industry threats from the E-ISAC's team of analysts​
  • Opportunities to Connect: E-ISAC-hosted programs, conferences, and exercises including GridExGridSecConthe Industry Engagement Program, and more
  • Vendor Affiliate Program: Offers vendors an opportunity to join the E-ISAC community as a Vendor Affiliate and contribute to the industry’s collective defense. Learn more about the Vendor Affiliate Program.

To learn more about the E-ISAC, visit the E-ISAC website.

The E-ISAC Year-in-Review Video offers an overview of the electricity security landscape in 2024 and the E-ISAC’s role in reducing physical and cyber security risk to the North American grid.

2023 E-ISAC End-of-Year Report
E-ISAC Code of Conduct
E-ISAC Long-Term Strategic Plan
E-ISAC Protective Measures Index Fact Sheet
E-ISAC Protective Measures Index Quick User Guide
E-ISAC Protective Measures Index Tool
SolarWinds and Related Supply Chain Compromise White Paper